Prisoner of War A.F. W3000 Transfer Slip for German POW Walter Schmitt

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Prisoner of War A.F. W3000 Transfer Slip for German POW Walter Schmitt


A slip showing his transfer into British military custody after leaving the United States.


This document gives some of the most detailed information on Walter Schmitt's military service. His identity disk identified him as a Panzer Jager (Pz. Jg.) anti-tank unit. He was part of the 334th Infantry Division's 755 Grenadier Regiment 3rd Battalion 10th Company. His place of capture is listed as Tebourba on May 5th, 1943.


Earliest date on the form appears to be February 21st, 1946 and the latest date is February 13th 1947


“Prisoner of War A.F. W3000 Transfer Slip for German POW Walter Schmitt,” CIC Museum, accessed October 16, 2024,

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