Allied Propaganda Leaflets

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Allied Propaganda Leaflets


Allied propaganda leaflets made for Axis soldiers.

Collection Items

Propaganda Leaflet for Japanese Soldiers on Manokwari, New Guinea
The soldiers are left behind while the officers retreat

British Propaganda Leaflet to Italian forces in East Africa (No. 100)
English translation of leaflet text:


Your retreat continues south from Asmara to Tigray.

The war is over, but your commanders, always ready to sacrifice you and your families, pretend to maintain the resistance.

We therefore…

British Propaganda Leaflet to Italian Forces in East Africa (No. 29)
English translation of leaflet text:

"To the Italians of East Africa

Wishing to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, we invite you to lower your weapons.

You are now entirely isolated.

Your ships in Kismayo and Mogadishu have been taken.
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